
Dark Light
Archive · 30 August 2020
Dark light photography is the art of making your subject stand out against a tonally dark or indeed completely black background.

Archive · 12 November 2019
There was a time, at least in my sphere, when going on a photowalk to see what you could encounter and visualise what photographs you may and then make them was seen as a solitary pursuit. In more recent times however ...

Monster Sonnar
Archive · 12 November 2019
Whilst I have for my Contax G2 my svelte Sonnar 90mm f2.8, for my Zeiss Ikon I have my Sonnar 85mm f2 ZM. It's monster.

One & Only Rule
Archive · 10 November 2019
For me there is only one true rule of photography that I always try to not to break, read on...

Just For Me
Archive · 28 October 2019
These days I do not make photographs for the approval of other people and don't give a hoot what anyone may think of them as they are made purely for my own satisfaction.

Biogon 21
Archive · 04 August 2019
One of the very best 21mm lenses ever made is the Zeiss Biogon 21mm f2.8 designed for the Contax G Series of cameras. In a world where superlatives are vastly overused and thus devalued, this lens is genuinely stunning.

Archive · 17 July 2019
Film is photography and photography is film; in so many ways this is a self evident truth. Yes, It is drawing with light of a three dimensional subject as two dimensional image on a light sensitive medium. However, with film you use the light to burn the image directly into the medium itself.

Archive · 03 May 2019
I have an approach to the photographic art which can best be defined as going walkabout with my vision switched on and my camera in hand. It fits perfectly with my genre of photography, that of representing the genius loci of places I like to explore.

Archive · 11 April 2019
Alone with myself. On my own in splendid solitude. That is one of the joys of photography, behind the camera I am lost in contemplation, in the moment, focussed entirely on my craft and my subject even in a crowded room or in a busy street - suspended in time in my own creative world.

Luck, Get It?
Archive · 02 April 2019
When I manage to make a photograph that is pleasing to my eye, for whatever reason, and I sit and admire its tones, textures, shapes, forms, use of light and all the rest of the gubbins then often a sobering thought will cross my mind.

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✧ Jokul Frosti ✧

A space containing the thoughts, experiences, photos and collected curiosities of a walkabout photographer with a snapshot style.