Posts tagged with "M.Zuiko"

2024 · 31 December 2030
☆ Jokul Frosti's ☆ Journal
📌📌 PRE-AMBLE: This journal contains the scribbles of a walkabout photographer with a snapshot style. This pinned entry provides an introduction to the journal and also explains all the different ways you can access it to make it easier to find things, so click in to learn more. Alternatively simply scroll through the entries below and have fun exploring their content.
2023 · 15 November 2023
Woods Walk
Wandering about in the woods with my M.Zuiko 12-45mm f4 Pro 'standard' zoom catching a mostly wider view of the forest glades after the recent storms as Autumn marches relentlessly onwards.
2023 · 06 November 2023
OM-5 Zoom Triumvirate
My f4 pro zoom triumvirate is just made for adventures with my OM-5 and is the ultimate travel troika. However, sometimes my little f4-5.6 14-150mm II super zoom, though a big compromise, is simply enough.
2023 · 30 October 2023
Lullebrook Manor
Lullebrook Manor is a fine mid-18th century country house that was once rented by Colonel Francis Ricardo, the first car owner in Cookham, having a bright yellow Rolls Royce with a large horn on the side that went 'poop, poop' and supposedly the inspiration for Kenneth Grahame's Toad in the 1908 children's book The Wind in the Willows. A property on the site is known to have existed from as early as the 13th Century, when the house was owned by the De Lullebrook family.
2023 · 29 October 2023
The blues and azures of water in ethereal light. Bubbles bursting through liquid yet trapped seemingly eternally in time. The glassmaker's art caught on camera.
2023 · 28 October 2023
Macro Flash
There are, typically, three types of light used in macro photography; daylight, continuous artificial light and flashlight, so called 'macro flash'. So what are the advantages of using macro flash over the others?
2023 · 13 October 2023
A lens with soul, drawing with my Olympus M.Zuiko 12mm f2 a lovely fast wide angle optic for MFT cameras.
2023 · 09 October 2023
Need 4 Speed
There are times for primes; when only fast glass will do. Big element beauties of superior iQ, premium primes.
2023 · 10 September 2023
A fabulous photo day out at Marwell Zoo which occupies the grounds of the former Marwell Manor and the old house itself Marwell Hall, with its connection to Jane Seymour of Henry VIII fame, still stands there within.
2023 · 23 August 2023
Watercourse: noun - a brook or stream. A leisurely wander along the waterside on a sunny day snapping away at whatever presents itself along the way. Tranquility!

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