
Gone In 6 Seconds

... Journal Entry

Squirrel; OM System OM-1 II, M.Zuiko ED 12-100mm f4 IS Pro. Grab shot using C-AF Area All with "Dogs & Cats" Subject Detection plus Silent Sequential 20 fps. 

This is what cameras like the OM-1 II are designed for; skittish little creatures like this squirrel encountered suddenly having a good scratch and grabbed in frame literally as it spotted me, leaped into its flight response of suddenly nipping behind the tree and zooming way up it, out way of the perceived threat i.e. me and my camera.

Not much of a photo pictorially speaking, but a good test of the camera's capabilities; see how it nailed the focus of the head and eye of the subject perfectly. Not bad for a first ever try out of the system. Now to find something more interesting to practice on.

✧ Jokul Frosti ✧

A space containing the thoughts, experiences, photos and collected curiosities of a walkabout photographer with a snapshot style.