In the long years I have been practicing the art of photography I have been asked many questions on the subject, but there are a few that are asked much more frequently than any others ...

The number one question I get asked is some variation on a theme of, "What camera did you take that on then?" when I show someone one of my photographs.
Now it might be, "What system did you use?" or "Which lens did you use?" or "Was that taken on a Leica/Nikon/Canon/Sony/Olympus... ?" or "How many megapixels has your camera got, then?" or even "Was that taken on film or digital?".
But the bottom line is it is will be a gear/technology related question and nothing to do with art of photography nor indeed my own particular application of that art.

The number two question I get asked is some variation on a theme of, "Did you take that?", in disbelief that someone as ordinary as me could possibly have made such a photograph. This happens especially when in the presence of other photogs who are very well healed gear snobs and they see the sort of kit I use to make my own pictures.

The number three question I get asked is some variation on a theme of, "Where did you take that photograph, then?". The casual viewer is often just genuinely curious but an increasing number of the viewers who are also photogs are part of the "me too" brigade who want to go there and "bag" the same image for themselves and brag about it on social.

Finally, in these digital days, the number four question I get asked is some variation on a theme of, "Do you use Photoshop or Lightroom to process your pictures?" Well actually, as it happens neither, but the implication is often that it is the software that makes the photograph good, not the photographer, and that you can turn a bad photo into a good one in post. This is simply not true.

The images shown here were taken on my 23 year old 35mm film electronic rangefinder system. You may now see why some gear snobs with their latest full frame digital wonders with super duper zooms sneer when they hear what my photos are made with.

Just occasionally you meet someone who may ask the why, how and when questions that lead to deeper and more meaningful conversations about the art of photography though they may not necessarily lead to any particular earth shattering conclusions.
At least it won't be some pointless, mind numbing, wittering on and on about megapixels and high ISO noise reduction and theoretical dynamic range and stops of stabilisation and mega frame rates beloved of the gear heads - why won't they ever shut up? Now, there is a good question.