The Contax T3 ultra-compact full frame camera with a Carl Zeiss Sonnar T* 35mm f2.8 lens. Slips in your pocket, goes anywhere, wrapped in titanium, a beautiful jewel of a camera.

OK so it's a 35mm film camera, but show me anyone who can make a digital camera this small that is full frame with such a superb lens and that is able to produce photographs with this level of quality?
Nope, no-one. Load it with Kodak Portra 400 with its' w-i-d-e exposure latitude, insane dynamic range and fine grain; digital eat your heart out.
Svelte, lightweight, agile, durable, functional, easy to carry, easy to use and pretty good looking into the bargain. I love mine.
Remind me, just why did we start using digital cameras?