Posts tagged with "MFT"

☆ Jokul Frosti's ☆ Journal
2025 · 31 December 2030
📌📌 PRE-AMBLE: This journal contains the scribbles of a walkabout photographer with a snapshot style. This pinned entry is its introduction and also explains different ways to access stuff; click in to learn more or simply scroll through the entries below; have fun exploring their content.

Moving On
2024 · 29 December 2024
2025 is going to be a year for moving on. Having recently tried and tested the Fujifilm X-Trans system and decided to make the transition to it, things have been busy building a new small Fuji X outfit and disposing of my large collection of micro four thirds gear acquired over the long years as a MFT devotee.

2024 · 10 July 2024
Railwayana; Items concerning or associated with railways. Origins: 1960s; from railway + -ana.

Too Darned Hot
2024 · 01 July 2024
Went for a brief sojourn in the beautiful countryside of the Meon Valley in Hampshire land managed by happenstance to choose the few days of the mini-heat wave we had during that week. Just my luck as it was just too darned hot to wander about for any length of time taking photos.

Last of the Rhododendrons
2024 · 25 May 2024
Last of the Rhododendrons for this year. Most of them are now blown and gone but there are a few late bloomers still hanging on though they too are showing signs of their imminent departure.

2024 · 30 April 2024
A walk through the gardens snapping the Spring flowers. Gorgeous blooms, vibrant colours, heady scents and sunshine. Shame the camera doesn't capture smell-a-vision as the aromas were enchanting. Good for the soul.

2024 · 10 April 2024
Every now and then you run into something really good, that takes you by surprise, that makes you stop and think about possibilities. Enter the remarkable OM-1 II ...

Woods Walk
2023 · 15 November 2023
Wandering about in the woods with my M.Zuiko 12-45mm f4 Pro 'standard' zoom catching a mostly wider view of the forest glades after the recent storms as Autumn marches relentlessly onwards.

Mellow Yellow
2023 · 10 November 2023
"They call me Mellow Yellow (Quite rightly)" - Donovan, 1966. Not however being mad about, as in Donovan's case, Saffron but rather the trees from my Autumn woodland walkabout.

OM-5 Zoom Triumvirate
2023 · 06 November 2023
My f4 pro zoom triumvirate is just made for adventures with my OM-5 and is the ultimate travel troika. However, sometimes my little f4-5.6 14-150mm II super zoom, though a big compromise, is simply enough.

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