Posts tagged with "35mm"

☆ Jokul Frosti's ☆ Journal
2024 · 31 December 2030
📌📌 PRE-AMBLE: This journal contains the scribbles of a walkabout photographer with a snapshot style. This pinned entry provides an introduction to the journal and also explains all the different ways you can access it to make it easier to find things, so click in to learn more. Alternatively simply scroll through the entries below and have fun exploring their content.

Upon Reflection
2024 · 05 February 2024
Fans of Kodak Ultra Max 400 Everyday film on the web have declared it as having "Vivid & accurate colour, wide exposure latitude, smooth skin tones, natural hues, fine grain, and bright blues, greens & reds" and say it is, "Perfect for all kinds of photography; from portraits to action to scenics. I have a very different view.

2024 · 29 January 2024
Bleak, dreary day, with a biting wind across the wetlands. Most of the birds had moved out, only the very few hardiest remained. Just one lone photographer in sight; me, just plain dumb I guess. Still a beautiful place though, even in the gloom of mid-winter.

Tangible Touch
2024 · 27 January 2024
These days digital separates us physically from making photographs. But film is different, it keeps us tangibly in touch all the way through the photographic process. It makes things real.

Discovered in a Graveyard
2024 · 26 January 2024
We were sequestered in The Thomas Lord pub in West Meon having a spot of lunch and reading its history and how it was named after the founder of Lords Cricket Ground back in 1814. It was only later that afternoon whilst taking photos in St John's Church graveyard we discovered his other connection with the village.

2024 · 17 January 2024
I have been playing some more with Harman's new CN film Phoenix 200, this time in the Winter sunshine, and it continues to exhibit its weird and wonderful 'experimental' characteristics.

Coming Soon
2024 · 15 January 2024
According to MiNT, the lovely instant film photography camera people, their new 35mm film camera will be an AF redux of the good old Rollei 35. Yay!

New Year, Less Stuff
2024 · 01 January 2024
With the decision to do mostly 35mm film photography this year using my Nikon F80 outfit came the realisation that most of my other extensive collection of digital gear was about to sit around unused. What to do?

Phoenix 200
2023 · 29 December 2023
First shots with Harman's new experimental Phoenix 200 colour negative film. "Something rich and strange" as The Bard would have it. This portends great things to come from the owners of Ilford I believe as they continue to develop it (no pun intended) further.

Optical Inclination
2023 · 18 December 2023
Having recently sat down and reset my photographic goals and direction, the medium I wished to use to achieve them and essentially the camera I would use to do so, it was now opportune to think about optics.

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✧ Jokul Frosti ✧

A space containing the thoughts, experiences, photos and collected curiosities of a walkabout photographer with a snapshot style.